About Me

In 2015, my journey into the world of genealogy began when, on a whim, I signed up for a free trial of ancestry.com. Little did I know this impulse would evolve into a passion for uncovering the branches of my family tree. Over the years, I've delved deep into the archives, visited cemeteries and other historical sites, and connected with distant relatives. These discoveries have unearthed many fascinating stories but has also brought me closer to my family's history. 

Recognizing the significance of these ordinary and extraordinary tales, I decided to create this blog. It's a place where I can compile my discoveries in one place. This blog also serves as a platform to share these stories with my family, fostering a stronger sense of connection and appreciation for the incredible heritage we share. Join me on this journey through time as we discover the forgotten gems of our ancestry.

Disclaimer:  I am an amateur genealogist, and although I am committed to striving for accuracy in my research, I cannot provide a 100% guarantee of the accuracy of all the information I present. Genealogy involves piecing together historical records and documents, which can sometimes be incomplete, conflicting, or subject to errors. Therefore, I encourage readers to approach the information I provide as a valuable starting point for their own research, verify details independently, and seek professional guidance if needed.


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